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Opus strengthen Scottish presence with new Partner in Edinburgh

George Dale, a prominent member of the Scottish restructuring and insolvency community, has joined Opus Restructuring & Insolvency as a partner for the new Edinburgh office. Opus established an initial presence in Scotland, with the appointment of Mark Harper as partner, earlier this year. George will open an office at 23 Melville Street, Edinburgh in mid-July with a view to

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Post pandemic – what next for the UK construction sector?

The UK construction sector has been a remarkable story of adaptation during the pandemic. An initial plunge of 40.7% in its GDP in April 2020 as almost the whole sector was forced to shut down, has been followed by a steady climb back up out of that financial hole marred only by a dip of 2.9% in December 2020 and

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Travel Industry: are your staff ready to return to work?

As the biggest mass vaccination program in history reaches the milestone of 43 million people in the UK having received at least one dose, the travel industry can dare hope that a sort of new normal may return before the end of the summer. The Government’s employment lifeline furlough scheme is due to end at the end of September with

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Business growth – managing the overtrading risk

Managing growth when coming out of economic downturn Growth kills more companies as they emerge from an economic downturn than the recession itself. More precisely, headlong expansion with depleted working capital is what does for them. After the slump, the losses and the gloom of it all, what entrepreneur would turn away that heady surge in sales? The answer is

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Coronavirus has revolutionised how we do business

The pandemic pivot game – to stick or twist with your new business model Coronavirus has not just changed the way we live our lives, it has revolutionised how we do business.  Some of this commercial adaptation is permanent, while other revisions may only be temporary. Some will only work in the short term, others may have much longer term

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Contentious Insolvency specialist joins Opus

Throughout the pandemic, most businesses have been able to ride the storm due to support through the Government’s various emergency financial and legislative measures. As this protection is withdrawn, businesses will be under pressure to address overdue debt and run financially viable companies. Times of pressure and economic crisis often lead to contentious issues such as potential preference payments, transactions

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