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The uncertainty of post-pandemic growth

As the government rolls out its mass vaccination programme as a last resort solution to the Covid crisis, there may finally be hope of some sort of normality at some point in 2021, though whether that moment comes in spring, mid-summer or the autumn remains to be seen. But whenever the economy begins to climb out of its recessionary hole,

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A good time for a financial and commercial health check?

As we approach the first anniversary of the start of the Coronavirus crisis, few businesses have been left unmarked by the most extraordinary twelve months in living commercial memory. The degree to which they have been affected is determined by the industry in which they operate and their positioning within that sector. For most owners and managers, it has been

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Can I sell my business after taking a hit from Covid-19?

What happens to business value? As a business owner you may be contemplating your future at a time when seismic changes are occurring within the UK economy. Do you sell up now or wait for trading to improve? The financial climate is likely to remain uncertain for some time yet, it may seem strange to consider selling a business, yet

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Opus national network grows with Nottingham office

After its recent office openings in Bristol, Leeds and Newcastle, the Opus Business Advisory Group has now added another major location, Nottingham, to expand its ability to provide advisory services to businesses and individuals, right across the United Kingdom.  The Group provides restructuring & insolvency, corporate finance, forensic and other allied specialties from each office, within its UK network. The

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What is the impact? Government extends support to stop evictions

Government extends support to stop business evictions This has been the year when far too many commercial chickens have come home to roost as Covid has torn through the economy, laying waste to long-established business models and bringing even some of the strongest enterprises to their financial knees. Few industries have seen a greater reckoning than commercial property, except of

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Protection for tenants from landlords during COVID

This has been the year when far too many commercial chickens have come home to roost as Covid has torn through the economy, laying waste to long-established business models and bringing even some of the strongest enterprises to their financial knees. Few industries have seen a greater reckoning than commercial property, except of course their shattered tenants in the leisure,

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