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Leadership in a crisis: Being calm and realistic

With the pandemic’s commercial impact worsening day by day and uncertainty reaching ever new heights, businesses and their management are facing much more than just a three month blip. Instead, the disruption may stretch into 2021 for some of the worst hit sectors. Government guidance is proving an unreliable framework and the media is full of rumour and false information.

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Toolkit: Getting through the COVID-19 business crisis

A ten point plan for navigating turbulent commercial waters not just to survive, but to thrive As the sheer scale of the economic havoc being caused by Covid-19 becomes clear, we now know for certain that all businesses need to prepare for the most extreme of disruptions the world has known for over a hundred years. This is like no change

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Will Coronavirus help or hinder cross-border insolvency?

International co-operation in the coronavirus crisis Globalisation has been with us for decades, bringing new and troubling dimensions to even relatively small insolvency cases and for the insolvency practitioners handling them. Suddenly, they were dealing with UK businesses with assets abroad and all manner of creditors and stakeholders in wild and wonderful places, all with no status or powers in

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SECTOR SERIES: Higher Education Sector Survival

International Uncertainty for the UK’s Universities The UK’s higher education sector has long been a magnet for ambitious students from all over the world. A degree from a British university is career gold, reflecting our high educational standards. Our cherished freedom of expression is a significant factor for some overseas students. So successful have we been at attracting foreign students,

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SECTOR SERIES: Real Estate Survival

Landlords Grow Rich in their Sleep . . . So said the 19th century British philosopher, John Stuart Mill. You could add the thoughts of the American steel magnate and philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie: “Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.” Or do they? In the extraordinary circumstances created by Coronavirus, it looks increasingly like there are

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SECTOR SERIES: Arts & Entertainment Survival

The Show Must Go On – Surviving Coronavirus Armageddon for the world of arts and entertainment came as the government unveiled a series of the crisis management version of the coup de théâtre. First people were told to stay away from places of entertainment, then days later each and every one of our cinemas, theatres and live music venues was

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