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Strategic Advisory

How limited is liability with personal guarantees?

Limited liability arrangements have long been thought of as a secure way for a business owner or director to clearly separate and protect their personal wealth from their business liabilities. Unfortunately, over time, these protections have slowly eroded, leaving business owners and directors in a more uncertain and, given the current times, potentially volatile position, both for their business and

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Current challenges for business owners – don’t remain isolated at the helm

There are numerous challenges SME business owners are facing in the current economic climate. The turmoil of the pandemic, coupled with the upheaval of Brexit, have left business owners needing to deal with unprecedented problems all at once. Changeable markets, supply chain issues and cash flow concerns, alongside the increased liabilities from Bounce Back Loan repayments, HMRC arrears and pressure

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The Minefield of Managing Foreign Exchange Risk

Exchange rate fluctuations can make a nonsense of even the best or the most carefully planned piece of business, whether it is an overseas sale or procurement decision. Income flows from foreign subsidiaries or joint ventures can also be affected, or the carrying value of those investments. Transaction Exposure The most common and simplest type of foreign exchange risk is

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Business leadership during a crisis

Despite the success of the vaccination programme and the hope of normality it promises to the public, there are still many more months of disruption, uncertainty and tough financial times ahead for the travel industry. Even after that, the new normal will likely be very different to the world we knew before Coronavirus. In such times, calm business leadership is

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Opus is now an ABTA Partner

Opus Business Advisory Group is pleased to announce it has become an ABTA Partner with ABTA travel association. ABTA has been a trusted travel brand for 70 years, offering advice and guidance to the travelling public, as well as leading the travel industry in supporting high service standards and promoting responsible tourism at home and abroad. The travel industry has arguably been the

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Personal guarantees: When liability isn’t so limited

The concept of limited liability is not new. English law granted this status to monastic communities and trade guilds as early as the 15th century and the protection was extended more generally by the Limited Liability Act of 1855, despite fears expressed at the time that it would lower standards of commercial behaviour. Over the past hundred years, the idea

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