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8 Step Business Plan for Growth & Profitability in ‘New Normal’

8 Step Business Plan for Growth & Profitability in ‘New Normal’

8 Step Business Plan for Growth & Profitability in ‘New Normal’

The Current Business Challenge

The world is experiencing the biggest Global pandemic in living memory.  Many aspects of business life as we knew it have been changed, possibly forever.

Most business sectors have been adversely affected by the impact of the virus.  The disruption to supply chains and the significant changes to buyer needs and behaviours are causing ongoing problems for many organisations.  Forecast growth for 2021 is patchy at best.

This is a critical period in the re-birth of business activity, where many businesses will want to move the focus from pure survival and being Reactive, to being Proactive in identifying the inevitable new opportunities as they present themselves.

Existing strategies will likely need to reviewed and updated as the lockdown period ends.

Solution for Businesses

Agile businesses that can adapt quickly to the changes in trading conditions are the most likely to thrive and prosper as markets re-open.

Opus have developed an 8 Step Plan to help businesses get themselves in the best possible position to create a framework for sustainable growth and profits in the post pandemic ‘New Normal’.

In summary this newly structured plan does the following:

  • Reviews the organisation’s response to the impact of the virus, looks at additional actions that may need to be taken, and identifies any ongoing problem areas
  • Works with the management team to address and create solutions to critical issues now facing the organisation.
  • Establishes short term working capital requirements
  • Undertakes a detailed analysis of the current market, including how it may have changed and how customer needs and buying behaviours may also have changed.  Also looks at where there may be new opportunities that are now presenting themselves
  • Aligns business strategy to maximise all new opportunities in the ‘New Normal’
  • Addresses short, medium, and long-term finance needs
  • Introduces bespoke performance measurement system for ongoing review
  • Both preserves and creates new shareholder value


Who is the Programme for?

The 8 Step 2020 Re Vision programme has been designed for ambitious organisations that are seeking to refresh their business model post the outbreak of the pandemic and use this as a springboard to drive them through to the next level of growth and profitability.

If you would like to find out more or book an initial meeting please contact John Thompson on:

Phone: 07973 775293

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