Hospitality Sector

The hospitality sector is vital to the UK economy, with businesses ranging from restaurants, bars, clubs and event planning to hoteliers and accommodation services.

Hospitality Sector

The hospitality sector comprises a broad range of businesses within the service industry that provide goods and services to consumers.

This sector is on the front line of consumer trends, which requires hospitality businesses to remain adaptable and competitive. However, this sector also operates on particularly close margins and often operates seasonally, which can significantly challenge cash flow and business investment.

The key branches of the hospitality sector include:

  • Food and beverage services,
  • Hotels, accommodation and lodging,
  • Entertainment and event planning,
  • Tourism services,
  • Nightclubs and bars.


The financial and operational needs of hospitality businesses are intricate, demanding a nuanced understanding and specialised expertise when intervention is required. We work closely with our hospitality sector clients to fully understand their business aims and current needs.

How we can support your business

Funding Advice

We can assist you in seeking new funding opportunities to support your operations.

Financial Health Check

We can conduct a financial review of a company’s current position and any areas of concern.

Mergers and Acquisitions

We can assist you in finding merging partners or exploring potential sales opportunities.

Cash Flow and Forecasting

We can advise you on any cash flow issues you may be experiencing and assist with debt management strategies and repayment terms.

Turnaround Planning

We can help you to enact positive, long-term change and improve the financial and operational running of your business.

Controlled Wind-down

If necessary, we will work with you to wind down your company in a controlled way that supports stakeholders.

Market Sector Report

Hospitality sector report – a continued decline in sector finances

In our latest UK Hospitality Sector report, we analyse the financial data from the last six months to reveal the current state of the hospitality market.

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Let's Talk

If you are facing challenges within your hospitality business, it always helps to speak to people who can assist you as early as possible. We have an experienced team who will work with you to achieve the best outcomes for you and your business.

For a non-obligatory chat, complete the form opposite, including the best time for us to call you and a Partner will be in touch.

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