Third Sector

The third sector plays a vital role across our society, with organisations ranging from the arts and entertainment, education and training, healthcare and social care to a host of community activities.

The third sector is an umbrella term that covers a range of not-for-profit organisations with different structures and purposes, which belong neither to the state nor the private sector. This vital sector provides a bedrock of services and support initiatives, education and tuition and research and analysis. Third sector organisations may include:

  • Registered charities,
  • Voluntary and community organisations,
  • Educational establishments,
  • Social enterprises and co-operatives,
  • Private research institutes,
  • Offshoots of government operations, such as housing associations.


The financial and operational needs of third sector organisations are incredibly diverse, while also requiring specific knowledge and expertise when intervention is required.

As value driven non-profits, a primary driver for third sector organisations when approaching restructuring or turnaround projects is to maintain their focus and output with minimum disruption, especially to end users. For this reason, we will always work closely with boards, trustees and staff to fully understand the aims and objectives in order to facilitate your organisation’s future and assist in any financial, legal and governance obligations.

How we can support your organisation

Funding Advice

We can assist you in seeking new funding opportunities to support your operations.

Financial Health Check

We can conduct a financial review of an organisation’s position and any areas of concern.

Mergers and Acquisitions

We can assist you in finding merging partners or exploring potential sales opportunities.

Cash Flow and Forecasting

We can advise you on any cash flow issues you may be experiencing and assist with debt management strategies and repayment terms.

Turnaround Planning

We can help you to enact positive, long-term change and improve the financial and operational running of your organisation.

Controlled Wind-down

If it is required, we will work with you to wind-down your organisation in a controlled way that supports your services and objectives.

Market Sector Report

Education sector report – Primary & secondary schools await the outcome of the election

This UK Education Sector report analyses the latest financial data to reveal the current position of state and independent education.

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Let's Talk

Whether you are facing challenges within your third sector organisation, it always helps to speak to people who can assist you as early as possible. We have an experienced team who will work with you to achieve the best outcomes for you and your organisation.

For a non-obligatory chat, complete the form opposite, including the best time for us to call you and a Partner will be in touch.

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