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Credit risk management post-pandemic – Part 2

The Covid crisis has taken many accepted truths and thrown them up in the air, like a confetti of commercial confusion. In our first article […]

Credit risk management post-pandemic – Part 1

Credit risk disciplines The Coronavirus crisis has not so much moved the goal posts for credit management professionals as relocated the game to another stadium […]

Has the return of Crown Preference killed off the CVA?

The Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) has long been a useful weapon in the armoury of business rescue experts, with an infinite flexibility designed to allow […]

Opus kicks off new year with Adrian Chambers joining as Partner

2022 will be a year of renewed optimism for many business owners as they hope to put the pandemic well and truly behind them and […]

Does a Winding Up Petition mean the end of the line?

Businesses struggling to pay their bills were given unprecedented breathing space during the pandemic, as the government closed off every avenue of attack for frustrated […]

Business strategy: Now is the time to review the business model

How business has changed Owners and managers were well used to reacting to occasional shifts in their markets before Coronavirus re-set the entire business world. […]

Zombie firms apocalypse facing the Scottish economy

As the full effects of the Coronavirus pandemic began to be felt in March 2020, many anticipated a significant rise in formal insolvency appointments as […]

Winding Up Petitions are back on the creditor agenda

UK businesses have been given unprecedented protection from enforcement action by creditors since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, but from the beginning […]

Zombie companies are on the rise

What are zombie companies? Just like the unfortunate creatures often seen lurching about menacingly in horror films, zombie companies are little more than a collective […]

Financier Worldwide Report – What next for UK zombie companies?

September 24, 2021

Struggling companies, barely able to meet their debts and surviving only with the indulgence of their lenders and other creditors have long been an unwelcome […]