Industry News & Insight

We post regularly in our news and insight section discussing current industry topics, covering all divisions within the Group.

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Staffing challenges in the hotel industry

Unfortunately, there is a maddening lack of meaningful sub-analysis of employment data for the hospitality sector, but there’s little doubt that the hotel industry has […]

How are the latest business rates & minimum wage rises affecting the hospitality sector?

The embattled hospitality sector has another front to fight on. This week has seen media headlines about pub closures rapidly increasing by 51% in Q1 […]

Staffing issues still holding back UK hospitality

The UK hospitality industry faces many challenges, not least its steadily deteriorating finances as detailed in our recent sector report. Among the most intractable are […]

Service sector activity accelerates in April

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of the service sector to the modern UK economy. According to research by the House of Commons Library, it […]

Hospitality sector debt levels are falling, but is it at the expense of business investment?

Our latest report into the finances and prospects of the hospitality sector published earlier this month showed that the industry’s borrowings had fallen by 18% […]

Zombie companies in the hospitality industry – mitigating the credit risk

Zombie companies with negative balance sheets and surviving only through the indulgence of their creditors have long been a worrying feature of the UK economy, […]

The perilous state of the UK hospitality sector

It is impossible right now to watch a news broadcast, read a newspaper or scan through a news website without being struck by the warnings […]