Industry News & Insight

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BBC You & Yours programme features Opus care home finance

Part 1 of the BBC Radio 4 You & Yours programme’s feature on the finances of the UK care home market was broadcast today, including […]

Quarter of care homes at risk of closure: Opus comments for the BBC website

Following publication of our research into the precarious state of the finances of UK care homes, the data and comments by our Business Risk Adviser, […]

Care home finances: Opus comments for BBC Radio 5 Live

Research conducted by Opus reveals that the UK care home sector is barely profitable and borrowing far too much. The data and comments by our […]

Care home finances: report by Care Management Matter magazine

Leading care sector magazine, Care Management Matters discusses the parlous finances of the UK care home sector, quoting Opus research and the comments of our […]

Opus is quoted in Sunday Times on issues facing failed BHS owner Arcadia

Sunday Times reporter, Oliver Shah writes on the deal by which Sir Philip unloaded troubled retailer BHS to Retail Acquisitions for £1.  Our Business Risk […]

Opus explains the demise of BHS on BBC Essex

Our Nick Hood talks through the issues which have brought down the struggling retail chain BHS in an interview with with James Whale BBC Essex. […]

Opus comments for BBC Radio 4 Today Programme on BHS failure

Our Nick Hood was interviewed this morning by John Humphrys on the iconic BBC Radio 4 Today Programme about the sad failure of the struggling […]

The collapse of BHS: Opus is quoted extensively in the media

Our Business Risk Adviser, Nick Hood provided comments to a wide range of media outlets ahead of and in the wake of the failure of […]

Opus discusses the BHS failure on BBC Radio 5 Live

Our Business Risk Adviser, Nick Hood was interviewed about the collapse of retail chain BHS on BBC Radio 5 Live’s Afternoon Edition with Colin Paterson and […]

Why is the whole world reforming its personal insolvency regimes?

Steve Parker & Nick Hood look again at the insolvency reform mania sweeping the world in Corporate Rescue & Insolvency magazine, this time analysing changes being made to […]