Industry News & Insight

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Domicilary Care Finances: a report by Opus Restructuring & Company Watch

The parlous financial state of the UK’s domiciliary care sector has been the subject of increasing debate and public concern since government austerity measures began […]

Home care services near to collapse

FT reporter, Gill Plimmer writes that the UK’s care home industry is “on the brink of collapse” with companies either going bankrupt or pulling out […]

Why 1,796 defunct personal service companies may be just the start

When whatever it is that they’re protesting about gets waved through by the government, we tend to forget protesters. Even before their arguments get discarded […]

One in four home care companies on the brink of bankruptcy in the UK

Josh Robbins reports for the International Business Times on the financial and operational crisis engulfing the social care system in the UK. Domiciliary care companies […]

Over a quarter of UK homecare providers at risk of insolvency

The BBC reports that home care firms have cancelled contracts with 95 UK councils, saying they cannot deliver services for the amount they are being […]

Opera and gourmet pasta? Luxury care homes break the mould says the FT

Tucked between glitzy shops on London’s upmarket King’s Road is one of Britain’s most expensive nursing homes.  Opened last year by hotelier Laurence Geller, Chelsea […]

Do advances in the fintech sector endanger traditional commercial banking?

March 15, 2017

The business and personal finance media has for some time been awash with talk of fintech disruptors muscling in on the financial services market. A […]

Many challenges await restructuring & insolvency professionals in 2017

Our Business Risk Adviser, Nick Hood looks at the prospects for the UK and global insolvency markets in 2017 in an article for Corporate Rescue […]

Business Rates Revaluation Armageddon: Will the Government Change its Mind?

February 19, 2017

The long awaited and much feared revaluation of business premises for the calculation of business rates, last done in 2010 takes effect from 1st April 2017.  […]

Company Watch Newsletter Highlights our Joint Research on Care Home Finances and Insolvency Outcomes

February 8, 2017

The leading corporate financial health monitoring specialist, Company Watch has published its latest Newsletter. This showcases our joint research on two of the hottest topics […]