Industry News & Insight

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Historic Yorkshire bakery chain Cooplands rescued in pre-pack deal

November 11, 2016

Following their appointment as Administrators on 2nd November 2016, Opus partners Steve Parker and Trevor Binyon completed the rescue of Yorkshire bakery chain, Cooplands through a […]

Business in trouble? Get your head out of the sand!

November 4, 2016

Management Today has published a hard hitting blog by our Business Risk Adviser, Nick Hood urging business owners and managers of troubled companies to call […]

Failure for 70% of Administration cases

November 2, 2016

Accountancy Live reports on research by Opus Restructuring & Company Watch, which confirms that in over two thirds of all Administrations started and completed in […]

When do the new HMRC disguised remuneration rules bite?

November 2, 2016

Our Head of Disputes & Forensics, Liz Coleman answers an IT contractor’s question on the Contractor UK website. “In terms of timing, a consultation did […]

BBC World interview on Chinese online retail giant Alibaba

November 2, 2016

Our Business Risk Adviser, Nick Hood was interviewed live this morning on BBC World Business Report by Sally Bundock on the latest quarterly results from […]

Credit risk management media comments on high failure rate for business rescues

November 1, 2016

Following publication of research by Opus Restructuring and Company Watch which confirmed that over two thirds of business rescue attempts via the Administration insolvency procedure […]

Two thirds of business rescues through Administration fail

October 31, 2016

Using the analytics function at financial evaluation experts Company Watch, Opus Restructuring has examined the outcomes of all Administration cases in England  and Wales, which commenced […]

There’ll be nothing fashionable about the UK retail sector this Christmas

October 24, 2016

The UK retail sector is experiencing a pernicious pincer effect on its already vulnerable profitability as top line income falls and the weakness of sterling […]

‘Accountant’ Hammond told to approve £4.6bn stimulus

October 18, 2016

Contractor UK website looks at the likely impact on IT contractors of pressure being applied to the Chancellor to boost the economy in his Autumn […]

Tough times ahead for UK construction industry post Brexit vote

October 17, 2016

In the first three months after the UK voted to leave the EU, the value of new construction orders dropped 18% on the previous quarter […]