Industry News & Insight

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Creating a cash culture to help your business through a crisis

July 28, 2020

This pandemic is a crisis like no other in the past century and beyond. It is stressing every aspect of a company’s business model. Revenues […]

Starting up again after a business failure

The legal pitfalls to be aware of Businesses fail for all sorts of reasons, some within the control of the entrepreneur behind them, others because […]

Technology and High Growth Businesses – Trading through COVID

As we all know, most early stage tech and other high growth businesses are often reliant on equity funding, typically from institutions (such as VCs), […]

Stopping the finance function from floundering

April 29, 2020

The Pandemic is disrupting every aspect of businesses, but probably none quite as fundamentally as the lives of those in the accounts department. These places […]

Effective communication has never been so important

April 29, 2020

As the Pandemic tears into businesses, slashing revenues and highlighting those fixed costs that just will not go away, the temptation for business owners and […]

Leadership in a crisis: Being calm and realistic

April 24, 2020

With the pandemic’s commercial impact worsening day by day and uncertainty reaching ever new heights, businesses and their management are facing much more than just […]

Toolkit: Getting through the COVID-19 business crisis

April 22, 2020

A ten point plan for navigating turbulent commercial waters not just to survive, but to thrive As the sheer scale of the economic havoc being caused […]