Industry News & Insight

We post regularly in our news and insight section discussing current industry topics, covering all divisions within the Group.

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Major labour force issues for the construction industry

The construction industry had a total labour force of 2.15m in Q2 2023, equivalent to some 7% of the total UK labour force. This compares […]

Scottish insolvency stats – There may be trouble ahead

The Insolvency Service reported recently that 88 company insolvencies were recorded in Scotland in January 2024, which is 19% lower than the number in the […]

Construction company balance sheets and business models

Just as you can’t judge a book by its cover or guess a packaged gift from its shape, assessing the commercial risk of trading with […]

P2P lenders’ wind-down plans are in the FCA cross hairs: what should firms be mindful of?

On 25 May 2021, the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) wrote to all of the UK’s authorised loan-based peer-to-peer (“P2P”) crowding platforms, to express its concern […]

Housebuilders – Profit margins, finances and interest rates

The housing market is a key part of the UK national psyche. The inexorable rise in house prices has enriched baby boomers, but now unaffordable […]

February 2024 economic and business overview

More mixed signals on the economy mean uncertainty for UK businesses We finished 2023 with arguments raging on whether the UK was already in a […]

Present and future workforce challenges for UK manufacturers

Near the top of the list of worries that keep many manufacturing bosses awake at night is hiring and retaining the right talent for an […]

Artificial intelligence – friend of foe for manufacturers?

The manufacturing sector has more experience of significant non-human involvement in its research, operations and administration than almost any other after decades using data analysis, […]

Corporate insolvencies hit a record high in 2023

Figures for December 2023 published by The Insolvency Service have confirmed that 2023 was a record year for business failures. The annual total of 26,595 […]

The impact of Brexit on the UK manufacturing sector

January 16, 2024

The vitriolic aggression associated for so long with the UK’s decision to leave the European Union has largely dissipated.  There is now a continuing and […]